Saturday, August 26, 2006

It's over...


The end of an adventure. 4 months of traveling, working, and experiencing God. It's overwhelming right now, to be honest, as I sit in bed, thinking about it all. I really feel like I need some serious down-time to actually digest everything that's happened. A big part of me says it's gonna take a while, and I need to relax and grasp it all. A smaller part of me says bring on the next step.

It seems like forever ago that I jumped on that plane out to BC, and spent a couple months there. It still feels like forever ago that our team met in Brantford, assembled ourselves, and embarked on a roller coaster ride of a ministry. After 8 weeks of never being in the same city for more than 5 days, moving into the homes of complete strangers on a Sunday night, and leaving what quickly became family every Friday night, it's awkward to think I'm going to be 'settling' down.

I wouldn't do justice to this adventure by trying to sum everything up in a simple blog, and even the things I have tried to write down and share are just the start. But here are just a few of the things I've learned:

- Humility is the mark of effective leadership. Wherever we went this summer, we were automatically put on some sort of pedestal, because of expectations from our position. It was tough, for sure, but the more we were given opportunity to lead, the more doors God opened for us as a team to reach people, the more I felt unworthy. Why would God put me, a young, proud, confused guy in a position to impact almost 500 kids, dozens of youth, and 8 different Christian communities? I think God knew that a simple, small task would lead me to think I could be in control and would be able to do it on my own power. So, He put this huge ministry in our laps, and forced us to give it up to Him, and man, did He ever answer prayer!

- It's gotta be Darren & God before Darren & anything/anyone else. I've always known that God is #1, but how often have I actually lived it out. This is a struggle for so many people, I know, and I'm just starting to realize that He has to be the only One in front of me, no one else can stand in that way, or I'm going to lose sight of Him. Sharing my testimony every week was a powerful reminder of what happens when we get distracted and try to take on the world on our own.

- There's a community of believers that is ALIVE. This vitality comes from the Holy Spirit, and it is contagious! How else could dozens of kids come to know Christ like they did this summer? How else could the four of us feel so encouraged, blessed, and in awe of how God uses His people to help each other and lift each other up??

Ok, so that's three major areas....there's probably a dozen more, but those three come to mind now.

Praise God for who He is, His awesome character, His intimacy with each and every one of HIS children, and how much bigger He is than the limits we like to put on what He can do!

I mentioned the whole 'settling down' thing. I guess I mean being able to unpack my clothes form my duffel bag and sleep in the same bed for more than a couple weeks. Yeah, it's been a long time. Other than that though, settling down will also include a varsity soccer season, 6 courses, and helping Eric with a dorm of 6 first years, all the while keeping contact with people from this summer and out west. Ummmmm....

I'm not sure if or how often I'll be keeping this blog up. It might turn into a regular outlet for me, or a not so regular thing, we'll see....

But, I need to say this...

Thank you, Jesus, for -

- Bolton Alliance Church
- Erin Village Alliance Church
- Owen Sound Alliance Church
- Cedar Creek Community Church
- Faith Evangelical Missionary Church
- TIllsonburg Alliance Church
- and all the phenomenal youth, pastors, billets, parents, and friends know who you are....
- the kids...PRAISE GOD for those kids


Anonymous said...

Praise God for you and for Renee, Julie and Matt...I know this was a different year for you but you rose to the challenge buddy and did an awesome job! Eternal work...that is what we are here for. That is what it is all about!
You will be in our thoughts and prayers while at school...
Many blessings,

Anonymous said...

your title says "It's over..."
Well my friend nothing is over without something new beginning...I look forward to seeing God do great new things in you and through you! You are always a blessing! Keep trusting, keep learning and keep day at a time.


zinc poisoning