Tuesday, August 22, 2006

"Till I See You..."

Ever since my last week in BC and my internship with AIA, there's a song that's stuck with me. It's stuck with me for a number of reasons, as I plan for the future, as I work in these camps, and continue to sit back and learn and watch how God works. For the first month or so since I came home, I listened to this song every night, on repeat, as I fell asleep. Lately it's been a toss up between this song and another Hillsong United song, but I still listen to it frequently. I thought I'd share it and some of my thoughts that result from it...

"TIll I See You" - Hillsong

"The greatest love that anyone could ever know
It overcame the cross and grave to find my soul.
And till I see You face to face,
And grace amazing takes me home,
I'll trust in You..."

I've learned and am learning how little effect or impact I have on what Christ did for me. He offers a love that is so much bigger, stronger, and encompassing than any other love I can have. Whether that love comes from myself, or my family, or friends, I can't trust in it like I can trust in His love.

"...and, Lord, I am willing to see Your kingdom come,
And in my heart I pray to You that Your will be done.
And till I see You face to face,
And grace amazing takes me home,
I'll trust in You..."

I need to live in an anticipation of "Your will be done, in heaven and on earth". God, use me for Your will. I want to see Your kingdom established here on earth. In kids, in youth, in parents, in churches, everywhere.

"...I will live to love You,
I will live to bring you praise,
I will live a child in awe of You..."

God, wherever You lead me, I want to live a life that worships you. I've seen and written about kids, this summer, that have come to know You in a powerful, loving way, and be in simple awe. I want that awe, every morning and evening, as You continue to show yourself here.

"You are the voice that called the universe to be,
You are the whisper in my heart that speaks to me.
And till I see You face to face,
And grace amazing takes me home,
I'll trust in You..."

I give it up to You, God, as You are the Creator that didn't just complete a project and let it go. Today, still, You speak to me, in my heart. Open my ears to those 'whispers', and I trust in You.

" 'Cause You alone, are God of all,
You, alone, are worthy Lord,
And with all I am,
My soul will bless Your name."

This song has hit me in more than a few ways, and even after listening to it alot, (itunes tells me 82 times since June 28) it still brings me to tears some nights. It's a combination of that child in awe as I work this summer at these camps, and God continues to open our eyes to how great, loving, and intimate He is. It's a combination of humility, as I realize and try to have peace in the fact that it's not at all because of anything I can do, and surrender to His control. He has a huge plan for the dozens of kids that have come to know Him and committed their lives to Him this summer. He has a huge plan for the youth that have been stretched and encouraged in their own young ministry. He has a huge plan for each church as they continue to reach into their community, establish relationships, and bring His good news to them.

Thank you, Jesus.

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