Friday, June 30, 2006

And We're Off...

So we just finished our training days, with the AIA soccer camp team this summer, and tomorrow morning we're off to Sudbury for our first camp.

It's exciting, I have no idea how big this summer I will be, but I honestly have this sense of peace about it. The nerves aren't as big as last year, but im as excited to work with so many fantastic people.

Our first camp is up at camp ABK, north of Sudbury, and we'll be there until next Saturday. It's your typical bible camp, we just come in and do a sports program for about 5 hours each day, it's a blast! The ABK staff is awesome, the kids are great, and who needs internet or tv when you've got a 130 foot water slide, a rope swing, a gorgeous lake, and a beach volleyball court. ;)

Anyways, pray for us, the team, as we drive up, and as we begin this journey. Pray for the kids, that they come with open hearts and God uses this ministry!

Thanks Jesus, for this opportunity...

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